/ signature

_ is delegate for exploration of future conditions and circumstances in millenium2k world.
_ is an independent and running process since 2002.
_ is founded in south africa.
_ makes investigations of demands for the future.
_ elicits the 2k_matrix and integral parts of 2k world.
_ is an applied research of 2k world.
_ is active in art_and political_systems so far.
_ supports the research of complex systems and ethic dimensions in 2k world.
_ proceeds new values.
_ expands the specific spectra of systems.
_ defines art as 'real handlung' rather than symbolic representation.
_ establishes practices and mindsettings of art in difference to a common cultural production of art.
_ is not related to national systematics and appropriate support systems.
_ exists only in cooperation or collaboration.
_ is an adhocracy.
_ is a displaced project by partially displaced persons: from gaza/jerusalem, from three germanies (east/west/unificated), ...

operation basis of embassy2k (handlungsgrundlage):
GeheimRat™ is providing an online-matrix to operate in complex systems.
GeheimRat © is an art_process for different structure-experiments.
founded in 1999.

general bases
email: e m b a s s y [at] g e h e i m r a t . c o m

spam-protection: 1. without spaces 2. change [at] to @

picture credits: